Journaling is the practice of putting thoughts and emotions into words. The main benefit of journaling is that by keeping a consistent record of feelings and behaviours, it makes it easier to identify patterns, set goals, track progress, and solve general and personal problems. It also helps take control of worries and fears, no matter how big or small they may be, by externalising them and creating a platform where they can be revisited with a fresh mindset at another time.
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Journaling is the practice of putting thoughts and emotions into words. The main benefit of journaling is that by keeping a consistent record of feelings and behaviours, it makes it easier to identify patterns, set goals, track progress, and solve general and personal problems. It also helps take control of worries and fears, no matter how big or small they may be, by externalising them and creating a platform where they can be revisited with a fresh mindset at another time.